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Igor's Adult Webmaster Photo Blog: Vcity

After reading some nonsense conversations on VCity it is about time to clarify a few things about the three different types of VCity users and about how to post:

1. The three different types of VCity users

a- Unregistered

Cannot like, cannot follow, cannot leave comments and can only see those very few posts made for "Unregs".

b - Registered VCitizens

Can like and follow and can leave comments. Can see posts made for VCitizens.

They are limited on
- Going back on general walls like the "altogether wall" is limited to the last 100 posts.
- Going back on personal blog is limited to the last 3 months

They are not limited at all on
- Going back on tag walls like for example listed here:
- Their own blog wall containing their own posts
- Number of posts they upload to VCity or Voyeurclouds
- Removing their posts and contris anytime

They cannot
- Access Private Messaging
- Access Private File Exchange
- Enter the members general chat room
- Open private chats
- Open personal private camera chats
- Access the high res versions of pics or vids

c - VResidents

Private Chat, PM, Personal cam chat, file exchange, high res versions of vids and pics, fast video download feature, faster servers, and and and


VCit posts vs Vres posts

VRes posts are protected from bots like for example google and bing bot.
VRes posts are never displayed on any of our public pages.

VCit posts are not protected from being indexed by Google etc and thumbs of VCit posts are being displayed on some of our public pages like for example

We strongly recommend to post any pic or video showing clearly visible faces in VRes mode.

For those who post all their pics for VRes only, we recommend to post a pic not showing any face like for example a closeup or so in VCit mode from time to time. The reason: The pics displayed on your /about page are only picked from your VCit posts...if you never post any VCit pic, there is no pic at all displayed on your about page. Your about page is your "front page"...not showing any pic at all there is not a nice front page. Here is a sample of an "about" page


The three pics displayed are three VCit pics.


How much is is to become VResident?

It is USD 9 per month or USD 14 for three months or USD 24.99 for 180 days (which is our best rate and which ends by itself after 180 days).

Are there any promos or discounts?

Yes, we have quite many promos and discounts!

1: Early Renewal: Every VRes who renews his membership 1 to 5 days BEFORE it expires, pays USD 24.99 for NINE months. There is a notification box which reminds him about this offer 5, 4 ,3 and 1 day before his membership expires.

2: Special Signup Rate for Selected VCitizens
VCitizens who have been on VCity for at least 30 days and have been active regarding "liking other" and "following" and "leaving feedback" and/or have posted a lot AND we never had to remove their posts due to abuse and and and: They receive a notification box which invites them to join for USD24.99 for NINE months instead of six months. They can sign up for that rate right away or click "remind me later" or "I am not interested". They will be reminded up to 6 times max...and then our offer "window" is over and cannot be re-activated for them.

3: Five Days Free Trial Offer
VCitizens who have been on VCity for at least 100 days and have collected many "Community Reputation points" and and and are being invited for a Five Days Free Membership. They see the invitation box, can select "Acitivate my free membership now" "Remind me later" or "I am not interested". If they activate their free membership they can of course take advantage of the "Early renewal" and switch their free trial membership into a paid membership for the Early Renewal Offer under 1.

Interesting observation: We showed the "Your are invited to a five days free trial full membership" to about 1000 VCits so far. 700 of those clicked "I am not interested". Out of those more than 400 contacted us later, saying "I am sorry, yadadada..I did not read it...can you show the invitation again.." Nope, we cannot. If people don't read 4 lines of text and automatically click "I am not interested" we cannot manually verify whether he was invited at all and reactivate the invitation for him. Whenever a box pops up for you when entering VCity it means something which might be important for you....and it won't show to many and too often.

If you have any question please ask me below



PS: And please: If some people start whining like "I cannot post for free because Igor wants me to pay yadadada" and other bullshit: Point them to my post above and tell them to get their facts straight before starting to complain about things which are not true at all.


Aug. 18, 2013    191,738    4    11
Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Igor ( )



Posted by

"The guy who takes the blame for every fukkin issue and every single fukkin problem on VoyeurClouds and VCity. The guy who calculates the popularity stars of more than 100,000 users (for everyone of them) while taking his shower in the morning and enters them into the system while having breakfast - every day."


Posting since: 11 years, 6 months

Total Posts: 36 photos

Followers: 366

Igor's Adult Webmaster Photo Blog

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flag as inappropriate base    Aug. 18, 2013
VCity Userpic

thanks for setting the record straight. What others were posting made no sense.

flag as inappropriateace4869    Aug. 18, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thank you for the 5 day freeby and just to let you know your ploy worked. I will be joining V res as soon as I possibly can, (I got a little financial prob to work out) and again thanks!


 Igor    Aug. 18, 2013
VCity Userpic

well...I wouldnt call it a ploy. I is really hard to inform people outside (The VCits) about the things inside (The VRes features). And then, even we try to do that on several info page, people don't read at all. So we thought "Seeing is Believing" is a good concept.

flag as inappropriate nila    Aug. 18, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thank you for all Igor!

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